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6 Helpful Questions to Ask at Your First Orthodontic Appointment

July 30, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — miltonortho @ 2:37 pm
Woman asking orthodontist question at appointment

Is it time for your child’s first orthodontic consultation? Maybe you’ve scheduled a consultation for yourself after years of dreaming of a straighter smile. No matter what the case is, you want to be prepared to ensure you leave your appointment knowing as much about your options, the cost, and what life with braces will look like. If you’re not sure where to begin, then keep reading for six helpful questions to ask at your first orthodontic appointment!

1. What Are My Treatment Options?

Decades prior, there was really only one treatment option: traditional braces. While this continues to be a tried-and-true teeth-straightening service, it’s no longer the only one; clear braces and Invisalign are just a few other examples. So, don’t hesitate to ask your orthodontist about the services they offer and which one they recommend for you or your child!

2. Are There Any Foods I Should Avoid with Braces?

In an effort to avoid orthodontic emergencies, like broken brackets, patients with traditional braces are asked to avoid extremely crunchy, hard, and sticky foods. Even if you or your child chooses a different treatment option, like Invisalign, your orthodontist may ask you to exercise caution with raw nuts, tortilla chips, popcorn, and the like.

3. Do I Need to Buy Any Specific Oral Hygiene Tools?

Remember, the development of a cavity will bring your teeth-straightening journey to a temporary stop. That’s one of the many reasons why you or your child need to commit to a solid oral hygiene regimen! If metal brackets and wires are involved, then tools like interproximal toothbrushes and pre-threaded floss are often very helpful.

4. How Often Are The Follow-Up Visits?

Typically, the follow-up visits with traditional braces are every four weeks. Conversely, Invisalign check-in visits are usually every six or eight weeks instead. So, if you or your child has a busy schedule, that’s helpful to know! The good news is that these appointments are relatively quick, so they should fit in your lunch break or on your way home from school.

5. How Much Does It Cost?

Naturally, another important component is cost. So, don’t hesitate to ask for an estimate! You can also ask for information on the financial solutions available – from dental insurance to special offers. That way, you have an idea of how to make the cost of you or your child’s orthodontic treatment fit comfortably into your budget.

6. Can I Continue My Usual Activities?

Does your child play a sport or a wind instrument? Do you participate in physical activities like weightlifting and running? If so, it’s a good idea to ask if braces will get in the way. Fortunately, that’s rarely the case thanks to mouthguards, dental wax, and the like.

About the Practice

Our team at Milton Orthodontics has been creating healthy, happy smiles for years now, and we would love to do the same for you and your family! That’s why we offer multiple teeth-straightening services – from traditional braces to Invisalign – all with the personalized care we’re known for. If you have a question for our Milton team, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation via our website or by phone at (617) 698-8883.